Tips Perawatan Dashboard Setelah Pemakaian Diton Dashboard Coating

Dashboard Care Tips After Using Diton Dashboard Coating

Dashboard Care Tips After Using Diton Dashboard Coating

The car dashboard is a very prominent feature of the car interior. There are various indicators on it for each part of the car, as well as a bulkhead between the front of the car and the driver.

The dashboard in the car performs many important functions that can help the driver in many situations. You can use this area to regulate air conditioning and heating, to operate individual lights, or to monitor vehicle performance. This is also where you'll find airbags for the driver and passengers.

Diton Dashboard Coating is a trusted brand for coatings that can be applied easily and become a protective layer to prevent dust particles from sticking to the surface and last longer.

For dashboard care, Diton Dashboard Coating is very suitable. This dashboard coating is formulated with premium grade materials that will make your dashboard look brighter and the cover protected. Moreover, the offered products are appreciated for their reliable performance.

How to use Diton Dashboard Coating is also very easy to apply. The following are the application steps:

Clean Dashboard First
The first step is that you have to clean the dashboard that will be sprayed with Diton Dashboard Coating using clean water and soap.

On areas that are dirty due to sand or fine scratches, clean them using 800 or 2000 size sandpaper so that dust and dirt are not stuck and the final result of spraying can be maximized.

Masking Tape
After the dashboard media is dry, the next step is to install masking tape which is useful for protecting parts that do not want to be exposed to the dashboard coating.

Spray Time
After installing the masking tape, the next step is spray time. Please note, that Diton Dashboard Coating is a special coating for your dull car or motorcycle dashboard.

Diton Dashboard Coating is truly a coating formulated on your dull dashboard to make it look brand new instantly. This product, will not change the original texture of your dashboard.

The application of this coating is very easy, you know. You just need to spray the coating on the dashboard in a thin layer evenly as much as two layers. The ideal distance for spraying is approximately 15 cm from the surface of the media. For each layer spraying, give a natural time lag of 10 minutes for maximum results.

You need to know that post-coating car care is very important to do. Keeping the dashboard clean is the main key so that your dashboard is durable and long lasting.

The following are reasons why maintaining a clean dashboard is so important:

Cleaning your interior as often as possible will help you avoid permanent damage or stains that are very difficult to remove. The sooner you can identify the problem and treat it, the less likely it is to become permanent.
The dashboard is home to many important instruments that provide important information about your vehicle. Scratched, stained, or damaged dashboards can hinder the functionality of this instrument or make it difficult to view it properly.
Regular maintenance is very important to extend the life of the vehicle. You should treat interior cleaning in the same way you would care for an oil change, tire rotation, changing your windshield wipers, and maintaining your fluid level.


Dashboard is a car interior that requires special care because it has various important functions for your car. For that, you must make sure to carry out dashboard maintenance properly and correctly.

One of the most effective ways is to use Diton Dashboard Coating which is specially formulated for the dashboard of your favorite car. You can find this product in the marketplace of your choice and at your nearest store.