Eliminate Motor Body Scratches, Is It Possible?
Scratches on the body of your motorbike will certainly make the performance drop. Even though it's only a small scratch, it makes the body of the motor unsightly. There are so many causes of motorbike scratches, such as being scratched by fellow vehicles, being hit by something and even flooding also causing scratches to the motorbike.
Well, there are several ways that can remove these scratches such as using sandpaper. Prepare sandpaper with a minimum size of 2000. Before use, soak the sandpaper and also wet the scratched motor body. Then sand the body of the motor, but it must be slow and in a rhythm. After the scratches are gone, dry the motor body using a soft cloth.
Another way is to use toothpaste. Simply apply toothpaste on the scratched body part and then, polish it with a clean and smooth cloth. Don't wait for it to dry and don't forget to do it repeatedly until the scratches are gone.