Ingin Mencopot Sticker Tanpa Merusak Body Motormu? Begini Caranya!

Want to remove the sticker without damaging your motorcycle body? Here's How!

Maybe some of you here have a sticker in the form of a picture, some even have writing on it. However, over time, you will definitely feel bored but worried that if you let go it will damage your motorcycle body.

There are several tricks that must be followed so that removing the sticker on your motorbike does not cause any damage. Like using WD-40 lubricating fluid. First, spray the area where the sticker is covered with lubricating liquid then let the sticker get wet and wait a few minutes. Then, expose the heat to the wet sticker using a hair dryer or hairdyer.

Do not do this for too long, because the hot temperature from the hair dryer can cause the motor color to thin out. When the sticker has started to dry and also the adhesive power of the sticker begins to weaken, so the sticker is easy to peel off. When it has peeled off completely, spray the liquid again on the remaining glue, then wipe it gently.