Malas Mencuci Motor, Buat Apa Kalau Kotor Lagi?

Lazy to wash a motorbike, what do you do if it's dirty again?

Of course, some motorcyclists feel a high level of laziness to wash their motorbikes. Sometimes too many people think, what's the point of washing your motorbike if it's going to get dirty again? Well, this is very bad for the vehicle and also the motorcyclist. Especially during the rainy season, surely what is on your mind is that you don't have to wash it, it will rain again.

There are several things that slowly appear if we are lazy to wash the motorbike. The accumulated dirt makes the body paint dull and scratchy. Remember, if after the motorbike is exposed to rain, it is highly recommended to wash the motorbike because rain water has a negative effect on the motorbike. Parts will be damaged and rusted quickly, parts that have dirt piled up make them break faster than those that are often cared for and cleaned.

The frame and other parts made of iron are also susceptible to rust if they are left in dirty conditions for a long time due to rain. Well, therefore, don't be lazy to take care of your motorbike to make it more pleasing to the eye starting from its performance and also its components.