Motor Sering Ganti Bahan Bakar, Gimana Ya?

Motorcycles often change fuel, how do you do it?

Many motorcyclists give their favorite motorbike fuel oil according to the beginning of owning the motorbike. However, there are also changing fuels. I don't know the obvious reason, but ranging from economic reasons to looking for the fastest queue.

Well, with this is good for the motor? Dangerous or not huh? changing the fuel used for the vehicle does not have a major impact on the engine. If for an injection motor, there is no problem while it is still within the minimum octane limit that is issued in the motor's own manual. However, motorcycle owners should pay more attention to the recommended octane levels.

This is inseparable from the impact that will be caused when choosing the lowest octane fuel. In the future, by changing the fuel, there must also be a lot of crust in the gas tank.